The Surprising Environmental Benefits of Working Remotely

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, many companies were forced to rapidly adapt their workplace policies in order to keep their employees safe. For some organizations, that meant transitioning to a remote work model; for others, it meant implementing a hybrid model in which some employees work from home and some come into the office on a rotating basis.

Though these changes were made out of necessity, it turns out they also offer a number of environmental benefits. In this blog post, we'll discuss three ways in which working remotely can help reduce your company's emissions.

1. Less travel required

One of the most obvious environmental benefits of working remotely is that it reduces the amount of travel required. When employees are able to work from home, they don't have to commute to and from the office every day. This not only cuts down on travel time, but it also reduces fuel consumption and associated emissions.

2. Reduced demand for office space

Another way working remotely can help reduce emissions is by reducing the demand for office space. When employees are spread out across different locations, businesses need less square footage to house them. This can lead to decreased energy consumption and waste production, as well as fewer emissions from construction and demolition projects associated with building or expanding office space.

3. Improved employee productivity

Finally, it's worth noting that remote work can actually improve employee productivity—and that has environmental benefits as well. When employees are productive, they get their work done more quickly and efficiently, which reduces the need for resources like electricity and paper.

There are many reasons to consider sustaining a remote or hybrid work model after the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end—and reducing your company's emissions is one of them. By allowing employees to work from home, you can cut down on commuting, reduce your demand for office space, and improve employee productivity all at the same time.